Rainbow Baby Day

It took me four long and painful years battling infertility to become a mother to my two beautiful children. While I am so unbelievably grateful for my Grant and Gigi, I still think about the babies I never got to hold every single day.
A rainbow baby is a child born after a miscarriage, stillbirth, neonatal death or infant loss. It’s a beautiful blessing after a heartbreaking journey. I’d like to think I have TWO special rainbow babies and I know you all have them too! That’s why I’m excited to celebrate #NationalRainbowBabyDay again! ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀
On August 22, help me recognize and celebrate all of the rainbow babes that have brought us hope and joy! It’s a way to honor all the lives that renewed our spirits after tragic loss. In the coming weeks, we will be sharing stories from those who fought for their rainbow baby and highlighting what these precious lives mean to our community.
Your stories and beautiful words have lit me up in the best way and refueled my passion for this wonderful community. I want to go big next year. I mean HUGE. In fact my dream is to gather hundreds or thousands of rainbow mamas and babies in New York City on August 22, 2020 and hopefully even get an appearance on The Today Show or Good Morning America. I want to tell the whole world about our special day and miracle children.
If you have your rainbow, help us celebrate! Share this post, comment below and continue sharing photos and stories use the hashtag #nationalrainbowbabyday.
If you are still waiting for your rainbow, we hope this day fills you with hope and allows you to connect with others who have been where you are. We are here to support and love on you.
While I realize #nationalrainbowbabyday is a day intended to honor all the lives that have renewed our spirits after tragic loss, this day by no means negates the pain of losing the children that are not with us today. That grief, that sadness, that mind numbing devastation is still here. It never goes away. It’s a part of us now. It’s something we live with.
So YES, it is in fact a day for our sweet angel babies who are gone but not forgotten, for the women who have cried on the bathroom floor after yet another negative pregnancy test, for the couples whose bodies physically ache under the weight of empty arms...this day is for you. It’s a small glimmer of light in a very dark storm, a sign of hope and healing and of brighter days to come.
I realize not everyone will get their rainbow because not all women who want to become pregnant will be.
But I do know that all women who want to become mothers definitely will.
Take a look at some of my favorite National Rainbow Baby Day photos featured on What The Fertility.